Sanctuary Pet Cremation
24/7 Care Line 9633 0991
Pet Cremation, Columbarium & Celebrant Services

Sanctuary Services
Our full range of services include private pet cremation, companion pet cremation, pet celebrant, pet funeral, pet columbarium, sea ash scattering and home visit euthanasia services.

Your Pet’s Journey
Our goal is to provide care and respect at every step of the last journey — From transport, tracking, mortuary storage, pet cremation to ash arrangement. Call our 24/7 care line to discuss your wishes and arrangements.

Our Distinctiveness
Our automated hearth insertion system allows the use of animal coffins. You can also hand pick your pet's ashes in 1 hour after the start of the private pet cremation service due to our best-in-class automated cremation machine in Singapore. Sanctuary Pet Cremation is the first pet crematorium in ASEAN that is a member of IAOPCC.

Saying I Love You
We thank our dear pets for their unconditional love and journey with us. Sanctuary Pet Cremation in Singapore is purposefully set up away from the city, in the rural Kanji countryside. Send them off with love and find a measure of peace at Sanctuary Pet Cremation. And they know one day you will meet again at the Rainbow Bridge.
Thank you to the pet owners for leaving us a review amidst their bereavement.
Follow That Rainbow
When our pets who have been especially close to us leave us, they follow that rainbow to join many friends at the Rainbow Bridge. They run and play together. They are waiting for us there. Look to the horizon when the day comes, follow that rainbow to meet them again.